Need to put meat on the table fast?
Maximum Venison In Minimum Time!

Shortcut Secrets To Field Dressing And Processing Your Own Deer Harvest Faster And Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible!
Dear Friend,
If you would like to learn high-speed deer processing skills this will be the most important message you will ever read.
Here is why.
There is now an ultrafast, step-by-step deer processing method on DVD, which explains how to put a boatload of meat in your freezer... even if... you've never shot or butchered a deer before in your life! News of this 'killer' deer processing method is spreading like wildfire among folks in the self-reliance community who are looking for a simplified way to get a freezer full of meat in very little time. Why?

The answer is easy: You see, even though this new video explains and demonstrates an extremely fast way to process venison... it's designed for folks who have never butchered a deer in the field before and according to those who have used the technique...
It's Hands-Down The Fastest And Easiest Way Ever Devised To Stock Up On Free Meat!
This new video teaches highly effective techniques (several of which might seem somewhat unusual) which when combined together... when processing your deer harvest... make it the simplest, easiest and fastest way on the planet to process deer meat. This simply means... all of the processing methods described in the video make it remarkably easy to produce an amazingly easy 'field-to-fork' experience. This is because of the way each of the "successive steps" interacts with the other. Thus, this unusual, but lightning fast method of harvesting food produces a safe, easy to understand and extremely fast way to process deer meat. In fact, you can...
Become An Expert At Field Dressing And Processing Venison Just By Watching This New DVD!
How does the DVD teach beginners so effectively? The secret is in the video and how it was filmed. The video team at Solutions From Science found a real life, seasoned hunter who has dressed-out hundreds of deer. His 44 years of "killin' and grillin'" makes him the perfect guide to getting maximum venison in minimum time. Then, we arranged an actual on-site, in the field harvest situation so that the viewer could both see and hear everything that went on. You actually see each cut (and each shortcut), leaving nothing to the imagination.

Here is some of the stuff you'll learn by watching this DVD:
- The first thing you should do (with the butt of your gun)
- The initial two 'uncomfortable cuts' (why you need to be bold with these)
- What to do if you're by yourself
- The ideal way to hang your deer for processing
- How an unusual glove can speed the process
- How to 'ring' the rear legs
- The one tendon NOT to cut
- A special type of high-speed knife and why you need one
- The simple 'pull-and-slice' technique
- Why you should field dress your deer as soon as possible
- Crucial mistakes to avoid at all costs
- Important joint cutting techniques
- Organs you should NEVER cut into
- How to use the finger method to make sure you never make a bad cut
- How to check your deer for liver flukes
- How to use the entrails in a survival situation
- The best cuts and how to get them home safely
- How to turn the rib cage into a 'survival meat basket' to pack out your venison
- Getting the forgotten 'sweet meat' of the deer
- The special piece of meat that should never leave the field or forest
And there's a lot more in the video not mentioned in the list above. In reality... it's really too much to list.
And, I really believe it's the most simple, cutting edge, "quick learn" deer processing systems you'll find in the real world, and not some goofy, theoretical babblings.
There are two other reasons everyone interested in self reliance should own this DVD. Number one: You can save hundreds of dollars by processing your own deer. (You can also make sure that the deer you shot is the deer you eat as many times "mix ups" at the processor puts the wrong deer in your freezer.) Number two: It should be obvious, but in any kind of breakdown you can't be sure of what kind of help will be available to you after you shoot your deer. They say knowledge is power. In this case your deer processing knowledge represents real "food-on-the-table" power!

There is no law against owning this DVD or selling it - although I'll no doubt create a new set of enemies from the animal rights crazies on the left. No big deal... I've been there before.
And obviously, this is not an ordinary "how-to" video. It's truly extraordinary. If you follow the simple instructions and process the deer as instructed... YOU WILL... put an almost endless supply of meat in your freezer using these techniques.
However, there is a trend among some survivalists in America to rely on too much meat in their food reserves. Therefore, before planning any food reserve program, be sure to include vegetables and fruits as part of a balanced food storage program.
Guaranteed Meat In The Freezer!

Because this DVD is so incredibly helpful... and because it's so easy to follow and learn from... it's being sold with the most amazing guarantee in the world. Check this out. Watch the video and follow the very detailed instructions for processing venison. Then, simply use the techniques described in the video on your own deer harvest and fill your own freezer full of venison. You will be thrilled with your knowledge of high-speed venison processing. However, if you are not satisfied in any way, simply return the DVD along with a short note
about how you actually used the techniques described in the video... and then Solutions From Science (the only company authorized to sell the DVD) will send you...
Double Back In Solutions Store Credit!
Here's what I mean by that. If you aren't blown away by the content on the video, Solutions From Science will credit your account with twice the value of the video within 1 week of receiving it back. (Less shipping and handling of course.)
And guess what? This is not a 10-day guarantee. This is not a 30-day guarantee. It's not even a 90-day guarantee! This is a lifetime guarantee.
How can Solutions From Science make such a guarantee? How can they offer a lifetime... double credit back... guarantee?
Well, you can only make this type of guarantee... if you are 100% certain... this video is going to help folks learn how to process their own venison in an extremely helpful way.
It's just that simple. And because of the generous guarantee, you can actually see it for FREE if you want.
The name of the video is Maximum Venison In Minimum Time and it's very easy to order. All you have to do is click on the order link below. The cost of the video is $49.95. But if you use the coupon code XXL you can save another $10.00
But We're Not Done!
We've also decided to throw in a number of valuable bonuses for taking action fast:
Bonus Number One
Bonus Video - We've also added a bonus DVD that explains yet another look at 'survival' butchering and processing. It's called "Extreme Venison." It's designed for more extreme situations in the woods or in-the-field when all you have for resources is a knife. A "must see" for those interested in self-reliance. It's worth $19.95 but you get it as an added bonus when you buy Maximum Venison In Minimum Time.

Bonus Number Two
You'll also receive, at no additional charge, The Big Book and Encyclopedia of Butchering and Curing Meat. This bonus book is a must-have book for hunters and small scale farmers as it contains easy reading and detailed illustrations that make step-by-step meat processing easy. Readers will quickly learn how to butcher everything from wild game like venison to domestic animals including beef, pork, lamb, poultry, and goats. You'll learn how to get great "cuts" of all types of meat as well as learn cool ways to make sausages and other meat products. It costs about $25.00 if you buy it retail, but we want you to have one at no additional cost.

Bonus Number Three
The last report you'll receive is my favorite. It's an ebook Special Report on getting game when the going gets tough. It's called Meat Hunter: How To Feed Your Family With Your Gun and its designed to help almost anyone (even novices)tap in to the potential food resources that exist all around you in nature. It's great practical advice on using orthodox as well as unorthodox tips, techniques and strategies for getting just about any kind of game (for food) anytime you need it. The report has a $19.95 price tag on it if you buy it separately, but you get it along with your order of Maximum Venison In Minimum Time.

Total Value of the three bonuses is $64.90! You get them all when you order Maximum Venison In Minimum Time!
Maximum Venison In Minimum Time
$39.95 plus $12.95 shipping
when you use coupon code XXL

Order Online By Safe Secure Server
Or, to order by phone call 877-327-0365 (be sure to have your coupon code ready when you call) The phone number is obviously toll free and you can call anytime 24 hours a day... 7 days a week.
By the way, the shipping and handling on the order is $12.95. That makes the total $52.90 (if you enter the coupon code), unless you live in Illinois and have to add tax. Illinois residents, your total is $55.50.
You can also order by sending a check or money order to:
Solutions From Science
2200 IL Rte 84
PO Box 518
Thomson, IL 61285
P.S. You can also pick up the video by coming to our retail store on HWY 84, in Thomson. Here are directions.
P.S.S. If you've been hunting and butchering your own venison for 10 years or more... you may not learn as much as someone just starting out. This should be obvious but felt it should be mentioned.
Solutions From Science
2200 IL Rte 84
P.O. Box 518
Thomson, IL 61285